awk command in Linux
“awk” is a language for writing scripts that is used to change data and make reports. The “awk” command programming language does not need to be compiled and lets the user use variables, numeric functions, string functions, and logical operators. The letters in “awk” stand for the names of the program’s creators: Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan. Operations at awk: Utilization […]
grep command in Linux
“grep” stands for “Global Regular Expressions Print”. The grep filter scans a file for a certain sequence of characters and shows all lines containing that sequence. Regular expression refers to the pattern that is searched inside the file. Command $ grep [options] pattern [file] Options Here are details about some options. Option Details -i Ignore case […]
fgrep command in Linux
“fgrep” stands for “Fixed-String Global Regular Expressions”. It looks for lines that match a pattern in the files given by the File parameter or in the standard input by default. If you put more than one file in the File parameter, the fgrep command shows the file that has the matched line. The fgrep command uses an […]
egrep command in Linux
“egrep” stands for “Extended Global Regular Expression Print”. It is a pattern searching command which is similar to grep command in linux. egrep renders the lines that match the pattern as an expanded regular expression. It reads a file line by line, looking for the search string or regular expression and printing out those lines that contain it. Command $ egrep [options] pattern [file] […]
User Management in Linux
Linux system administrators have a lot of problems to deal with, and managing user accounts is one of them. Assigning users to groups and shells, creating and removing user accounts, defining permissions, and maintaining passwords are all tasks that fall within the purview of a system administrator. Only after learning the fundamentals of Linux account […]
Group Management in Linux
Primary and secondary groups are the two types of categories that may be found in the Linux operating system’s grouping mechanism. The Primary Group is a group that is automatically created when a user with a distinct user ID is being created. Simultaneously, a group with an ID that is identical to the user ID […]
File Management in Linux
In Linux, most things are done by working with files. And to organize these files, Linux has what are called directories or folders, which are set up like a tree. But these directories are also files in their own right. There are 3 kinds of files in Linux: Regular Files: In Linux, it is the […]
Swappiness in Linux
What is swap? The term “Swap System” refers to the space that is reserved on the hard drive by the operating system in the event that there is not enough RAM available. The swap system in Linux may either be a partitioned region on the hard drive that is dedicated to operating as a swap or a […]
Install Apache Server on CentOS
A great piece of application software is Apache. It is the most extensively used Web server program worldwide. Apache is the most popular Web server application for Unix-like operating systems, even though it can be used on almost all platforms, like Windows and Linux. The name of the Native American tribe known as the Apache, […]
Install Apache Server on Ubuntu
A great piece of application software is Apache. It is the most extensively used Web server program worldwide. Apache is the most popular Web server application for Unix-like operating systems, even though it can be used on almost all platforms, like Windows and Linux. The name of the Native American tribe known as the Apache, […]